Saturday, January 15, 2011

A good day to stay in.

It snowed all day.  No, it was a little blizzard.  With another Christmas in the rear-view mirror, it was time to take down the rest of the Christmas decorations and pack them away.  Strings of beaded garland was wound onto skeins marked with exact lengths in a way that would have made Adrian Monk proud.  A couple of decorations hid in crevices of the tree hoping to remain un-noticed and left alone.  Their ploy didn't work.  Everything is safely tucked away for another ten or so months.  The next fun decorating theme will be Valentine's Day.  Must think of new ideas.

I just took a look at the back yard in the aftermath of the storm, and was suddenly struck by a strange inexplicable urge to devour a macaron.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, my, what beautiful snow! We're supposed to get an inch, maybe two ~ tonight...the highway department trucks are out in full force with salt and cinders, schools are gearing up to close...can you tell snow is a rarity? So I envy your pretty white stuff a little (after a day or so...nah...LOL)
    And it's not just a macaroon, Karen, it's a gorgeous multi-layered (albeit just the slightest bit lopsided) cake like the one Cinderella's Fairy Godmothers made!

  3. Hello! I have featured your blog, art pages and artwork in this week's FATuesday Artist Spotlight.

    Your work is wonderful! The link is

    Have a lovely weekend!
